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Ragdoll Class
A base class for a definition of a hierarchy that has physics applied.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Candlelight.Physics
Assembly: Assembly-CSharp-firstpass (in Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll) Version:
public abstract class Ragdoll : MonoBehaviour, 

The Ragdoll type exposes the following members.

Public methodConnectAndMapParts
Connect all parts defined on this instance and map symmetry as needed.
Public methodGetAllNodes
Gets all nodes in this Ragdoll's definition, with the most basal parts sorted first.
Public methodGetEstimatedLocalBounds
Gets the estimated Bounds of this Ragdoll in its current configuration, in the space of its Transform component. It will encapsulate all of the Transforms of the hierarchy's nodes, as well as all of the currently active SkinnedMeshRenderers and MeshRenderers.
Protected methodOnPartsChanged
Raises an event when one or more parts changed, which reconnects and remaps parts as needed, and redistributes the hierarchy mass.
Protected methodRebuildChain
Rebuilds the specified chain to ensure its bodies are connected.
Protected methodRedistributeHierarchyMass
Redistributes the mass specified on this object to each of the parts, based on their current proportional contribution to the whole hierarchy.
Public methodSetHierarchyAngularDampingProfile
Sets the shape of the angular damping profile for all RagdollParts in the definition. Their values will be the specified profile multiplied by the hierarchy's total mass.
Public methodSetHierarchyAngularPositionForceProfile
Sets the shape of the angular position force profile for all RagdollParts in the definition. Their values will be the specified profile multiplied by the hierarchy's total mass.
Public methodSetHierarchyAngularVelocityForceProfile
Sets the shape of the angular velocity force profile for all RagdollParts in the definition. Their values will be the specified profile multiplied by the hierarchy's total mass.
Public methodSetHierarchyLinearDampingProfile
Sets the shape of the linear damping profile for all RagdollParts in the definition. Their values will be the specified profile multiplied by the hierarchy's total mass.
Public methodSetHierarchyLinearPositionForceProfile
Sets the shape of the linear position force profile for all RagdollParts in the definition. Their values will be the specified profile multiplied by the hierarchy's total mass.
Public methodSetHierarchyLinearVelocityForceProfile
Sets the shape of the linear velocity force profile for all RagdollParts in the definition. Their values will be the specified profile multiplied by the hierarchy's total mass.
Public methodSetHierarchyPhysicsMaterial
Sets the hierarchy physics material. This method will assign the Collider.sharedMaterial property on each Collider referenced in this Ragdoll's definition.
Protected methodStart
Cache the bindpose.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodGetPrefabName
Gets the name of the prefab associated with the supplied instance.
(Defined by ObjectX.)
Public Extension MethodOpenReferencePage
Opens a reference web page generated for the specified object.
(Defined by ObjectX.)
Public propertyHierarchyMass

Gets or sets the hierarchy mass.

Setting this value will redistribute mass to all PhysicalBody nodes in this Ragdoll's definition, based on their current proportional distribution. For example, if the definition contains two parts, one with mass 5.0 and another with mass 10.0, setting this property to a value of 9.0 would change their masses to 3.0 and 6.0, respectively.

This property will enforce a minimum value of 1.0.

Public propertyRoot
Gets the root.
See Also